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Baby deedee Blog

Balancing Motherhood & Work: Strategies to Overcome Challenges

Balancing Motherhood & Work: Strategies to Overcome Challenges

We know that juggling motherhood and a career can be an exhausting task. As if the demands of motherhood itself weren’t enough, now you have to manage a job, too. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, you can get through it. But just how do you go about it? How do you make sure that your job doesn't take away your joy...

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Designing Sleep Routines to Help Both Baby & Parents

Designing Sleep Routines to Help Both Baby & Parents

When it comes to parenting, few things are as essential (and often as elusive) as a good night’s sleep. That’s because having a baby often means sacrificing quality sleep for the next several years. Or does it? That’s where creating a good sleep routine comes in. Establishing a consistent and calming routine before bedtime can do wonders for your little one and you. Sleep routines...

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Nurturing Your Mental Health as a New Mom: What You Need to Know

Nurturing Your Mental Health as a New Mom: What You Need to Know

As a new mother, you are likely feeling a range of emotions—from joy and pride to fear and uncertainty. But one thing is certain: you need to start taking care of yourself—especially when it comes to your mental health. But between feeding, changing diapers and getting as much sleep as possible, how do you even begin? The answer is simple: by understanding the importance of...

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