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Baby deedee Blog

Safe and Sunny: Summer Safety Tips for Babies and Young Children
May 15, 2023
Summer is a time of fun, sun, and relaxation. However, it is also a time when parents and caregivers need to be especially vigilant to ensure the safety of their babies and young children. From the heat and sun to the water and insects, there are many potential hazards that parents need to be aware of and take steps to protect their little ones. Here,...

Newborn Sleep Cycle: What New Parents Should Expect
Apr 14, 2023
Welcoming a newborn into the world can be an exciting and joyful experience, but it can also be a challenging one, especially for first-time parents. One of the biggest challenges new parents face is understanding their newborn's sleep patterns. Babies spend most of their time sleeping during their first few weeks of life, but their sleep cycle can be quite different from what adults are...

Balancing Motherhood & Work: Strategies to Overcome Challenges
Apr 13, 2023
We know that juggling motherhood and a career can be an exhausting task. As if the demands of motherhood itself weren’t enough, now you have to manage a job, too. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, you can get through it. But just how do you go about it? How do you make sure that your job doesn't take away your joy...